Wednesday 6 May 2020

keto frame

Some evidence shows that adults with epilepsy may benefit from the diet and that a less strict regimen, such as a modified Atkins diet, is similarly effective. Horse hockey! But if little carbohydrate remains in the diet, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies, the latter passing into the brain and replacing glucose as an energy source. I don't want to sound small minded but it's the way things are. This article is about a dietary therapy for epilepsy. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. How can interlopers pick up priceless keto frame catalogs? I suppose I won over the crowd with that one although there's a couple of important competition out there. An elevated level of ketone bodies in the blood (a state called ketosis) eventually lowers the frequency of epileptic seizures. Side effects may include constipation, high cholesterol, growth slowing, acidosis, and kidney stones..

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·       keto frame
·       keto frame

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